07 January . 2020
Nexton, Community Partners Fund Cutting-Edge Education Initiatives at Nexton Elementary for Fourth Consecutive School Year
SUMMERVILLE, S.C. – January 7, 2019 – Nexton, the most innovative community in South Carolina, and its developer, Newland, announced renewed support for Nexton Elementary School’s pioneering education programs. The developer is joined by Seamon Whiteside + Associates and J.H. Hiers Construction as top contributors to this year’s initiative: Project Lead the Way (PLTW), a technology education curriculum.
PLTW’s Launch Program immerses kindergarten through fifth-grade students in hands-on activities and projects that build upon each other and relate to the world around them. The program creates an integrated learning experience, blending computer science, engineering and biomedical science.
Since Nexton Elementary opened in 2015, Nexton’s developer has led successful fundraising initiatives annually to ensure the community’s students are prepared for higher learning and future professions through state-of-the-art programming and technology.
“Our school’s technology and curriculum would not be where it is today without the continuous support of the Nexton community,” said Nexton Elementary Principal Tina Hoots. “Our school has grown tremendously in the last four years and our students have greatly benefited from the generous support of our business partners.”
During the 2015-2016 school year, the Nexton community and the school’s additional business partners provided each student with an iPads or Chromebook to support the educational movement towards “one-to-one” technology adoption, making Nexton Elementary the first school in Berkeley County to be a 100-percent Personalized Digital Learning School.
The following year, the private funding from Nexton’s initiatives secured a part-time technology coach to provide teachers professional development training including virtual learning, Google for education, the flipped classroom approach and digital citizenship lessons.
“Our community’s business partners want to ensure Nexton Elementary continues to lead the way in incorporating the latest techniques to achieve educational success,” said Nexton Vice President and General Manager Brent Gibadlo. “We believe Project Lead the Way provides them with the resources necessary to do so.”
About Nexton
Nexton is owned by a business entity of North America Sekisui House, LLC (NASH), and is developed by Newland. NASH and Newland share a deep commitment to sustainable development practices and apply these core values to the vision, planning, and development of their projects. Nexton is one of more than 20 assets the NASHNewland partnership owns and manages together across the US. newlandco.com | nashcommunities.com
Editorial Contact:
Cassie Cataline
Media Contact:
Lou Hammond Group
Kelsey Donnelly / Parker Butler
kelseyd@louhammond.com / parkerb@louhammond.com
843-628-3426 / 843-628-6112