13 July . 2022
Three Nexton Square Restaurants Make Yelp List of Best in Charleston
Nexton is a place where you can walk, ride your bike, or take a golf cart to meet a friend for coffee. Or sushi. Or tacos. Or surf & turf. It's also a place where you can randomly select a restaurant in Nexton Square and have a pretty good chance of ending up at one of Yelp's top 25 rated restaurants in Charleston. That's right - three of our Nexton Square restaurants made the most recent list. Even better? Though the list goes up to 25, our pals are in the top 15!
#2: Hall's Chophouse
What can we say about the legendary steakhouse brand that hasn't already been said? There are many delicious reasons Halls tops (or comes close to it) nearly every foodie list. In fact, it's often listed as one of the best in the entire country.
Just know this: arrive hungry and ready for world-class service.
#11: The CODfather Proper Fish & Chips
It only takes a few moments CODfather's founder to realize he's the real deal. Fish n' chips are a family affair for Adam Randall - he learned the ins-and-outs of proper English chippie from his father. The consistency of a perfect batter. The importance of fresh cod. How to expertly season the fries, we mean, chips.
Our insider tip: don't sleep on the meat pies. ::Chef's Kiss::
#15: Vicious Biscuit
Vicious Biscuit has a cult following. How do we know? For starters, the line reaching half way down the block every morning. But also because we consider it our solemn duty to sample just about everything on their stand-out menu. There are no losers on this one, folks.
Overwhelmed by the options? They call The Vicious the "gateway biscuit" for a reason. Pair it with a Blood Mary. Then clear your Saturday mornings for the next few months. You'll want to start plowing through the menu, too!
If, somehow, we don't have your mouth watering, never fear: there is a restaurant at Nexton for you. Fuji Sushi. Poogan's Southern Kitchen. Taco Boy. Viva Chicken. The list goes deliciously on. Drop in and have a stroll. We know you'll find just what you're taste buds are looking for!