Home purchasers are becoming more diverse, forcing a shift in the way homes are built, bought, and marketed. For home shoppers, that means you’ll find homes with more flexibility and more options in a welcome variety of shapes, sizes, and configurations.
Elegant simplicity is better than fancy complexity. Food should be slow and internet should be crazy-fast. Authenticity doesn’t mean replicating the past; It should be a thoughtful, contemporary response.
Meet the Poshi family. If you run into them around Brighton Park Village, you could greet them with Hello, Bonjour, Jambo, or with at least half a dozen other languages. The multilingual family finds themselves in the Charleston region via Seattle, courtesy of Boeing.
Just down the road from Charleston, Nexton is coming on with its own flavor of Southern hospitality. Starting with five hotels, everything’s in place for conferences, corporate meetings and weddings. And Nexton Square has its table set with all your foodie favorites. Welcome, y’all.