12 April . 2019
Celebrate Earth Day 2019 with Nexton and we'll donate to Water Mission
Healthy living and efficient living are two of our guiding principles, and they intersect beautifully each year on April 22.
The Earth Day mission is to activate the environmental movement worldwide, and Nexton is proud to take part. Last year, we pioneered Nexton Work Outside Day, encouraging Nexton campus employees and beyond to take the work day outdoors – for walking meetings, creative brainstorming sessions, and a little recharging via fresh air.
Earth Day may only happen once a year, but you can find our dedication to the environment throughout Nexton nearly every day. Like in our community plan, where woodlands, wetlands and open space are neatly woven into Nexton’s neighborhoods, creating meaningful connections with the outdoors. A 10-mile (and growing) network of walking and biking trails gives residents and guests an opportunity to enjoy the Lowcountry’s finest assets. And we’ve preserved 30%—approximately 2,000 of our 5,000 acres - for open space, wooded preserves, wetlands, and parks and trails. It’s a master plan that has been recognized as a “game-changer” in the Charleston region for its thoughtful planning and design.
You’ll find eco-centric strategies inside Nexton’s homes, too. Our builders integrate the latest in energy-efficient heating and cooling in homes, so you can save money every month while helping to preserve natural resources for future generations. Each home meets strict green building standards in five different categories: energy efficiency, healthy indoor air quality, resource efficiency, environmental responsibility, and water conservation. To ensure these standards are met, homebuilders are required to certify homes under the Eco-Select program, which governs the design, features and building process.
Earth Day Photo Hunt
To celebrate Earth Day 2019, we’re encouraging everyone to explore the green spaces at Nexton with a little friendly competition! On Facebook we've shared four clues to locations around Brighton Park Village. Snap a photo of your family in these locations and post to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #EarthDayNexton. The first 4 families to complete the photo hunt win a prize. And for EVERYONE that participates, we’ll donate $100 to Water Mission.
Submit your photos by Sunday, April 21st. We’ll announce winners on Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd. And be sure to visit the Greeting House during your photo hunt - there's a special treat there waiting for you!