17 February . 2017
Volvo invests time, resources to become a good neighbor
Volvo Cars will soon be bursting with activity just a few miles north of Nexton. It’s already a beehive, as work progresses on the state-of-the-art factory. By late 2018, the 1600-acre campus will employ about 1700 people trained to produce at least 100,000 cars a year.
Meanwhile, the company is already making waves throughout the Lowcountry, as they invest time and energy becoming good neighbors.
Yesterday, Volvo sent David McNair of the McNair Group to Nexton on the 16th of its official “listening sessions.” Held all over the region in recent months, the sessions allow Volvo’s representatives to provide updates on their activity. But more importantly, they provide forums for gaining input from future neighbors.
One of Volvo’s first local acts was to convene a Good Neighbor Collaborative. This diverse group of 22 plugged-in individuals represents a broad set of interests throughout the region. Working together, they identify ways in which Volvo can strengthen the Lowcountry, and ways in which community members want to see Volvo operate.
Volvo will soon launch a fund through the Coastal Community Foundation, moneys from which the Collaborative will direct to support local causes, which fall into four categories: Safety, Quality of Life, Environment, and Education.
During his one-hour address, which targeted primarily real estate professionals, McNair noted that community input at listening sessions has helped Volvo shape its plans. “They are always very interested in what happens at these sessions, and they call me immediately for input,” he laughed.
McNair noted that Volvo’s ramp-up to jobs (hiring is likely to begin in earnest in Q1 of 2018) will be complemented by the arrival of suppliers and the nearly concurrent ramp-up of the Mercedes plant nearby.
The result will be nearly 4,000 automotive sector jobs over the next 10 years, along with spinoff jobs. Typically 4 new jobs amongst suppliers and ancillary companies are created for every automotive position.
“We recognize things are changing up in these communities,” he said. “And Volvo wants to be at the table as the community considers its plans for the future.”
At Nexton, home- and business-owners alike are poised to benefit from Volvo’s commitment to neighborliness. It’s an approach we can get behind. We look forward to following Volvo’s plans for strengthening the Lowcountry and sharing what we learn.
You can learn more about Volvo’s hiring plans here and share your local construction safety concerns with Volvo by calling 800-748-0009.