09 March . 2016
Happy Walk to School Day!
Good things happen when kids walk or bike to school: they make new friends, get more exercise and can make life just a tiny bit easier for Mom and Dad.
The Safe Routes to School Program has dubbed today, March 9th, as official "Walk to School Day."
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a growing movement across the US that brings together parents, schools, and community leaders to encourage students to walk and bike to school. The program focuses on activities and resources that improve walking and biking conditions around schools while also building healthy habits and safety skills.
At Nexton, we're on board! That's why we believe the best schools are the ones that are good and close. And it's one more reason why neighborhood schools such as Nexton Elementary are a big deal here.
To make it easier, we're building sidewalks and walking trails throughout Brighton Park Village to ensure the walk, or bike, to school is comfortable and safe. It's the perfect environment for parents to walk their young kids to school or to feel comfortable sending the slightly older kiddos themselves. And we love the concept of a walking school bus, where parents take turns walking groups of kids to school - all with meeting points, a timetable, and regular rotation of volunteers - just like a real bus!
Whatever form it takes, walking to school is great for health, for the community and for the environment. Get more information and safety lessons here from Safe Routes to School South Carolina.